Benefits of Wellness Checks and Annual Lab Work

You’re constantly hearing about how you need health insurance, and since you feel fine, you may not understand why it’s so important. The best way to treat yourself for any illness is to take advantage of wellness checks and annual lab work. Below are the benefits to consider if you’re on the fence about getting a policy. 

1. Catch Signs Early On

Having annual blood work taken at least once a year can allow your healthcare provider to see if any concerning changes are developing in your body. For example, folks who are diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes show signs of elevation if they have their blood work done regularly. This can help them start treating these issues early on and start medication before the issue develops into something worse. 

2. Check Your Immune System

If your immune system is starting to lack the essential vitamins and minerals needed to be efficient, it can be traced and found through wellness checks and lab work. When you visit your doctor, let them know of any changes or symptoms you may have developed, whether small or minor. This could encourage them to add testing to your lab work and check your immune system. 

3. Establish Medical History

One of the greatest things about having these annual checks is to meet with your doctor and establish a medical history. In addition to the lab work, these physicians will note anything you mentioned during the visit and any dietary or exercise changes discussed. In the future, if you start to show signs and symptoms of specific disorders, they can track your medical history with these visits. 

If you live in the Sandy, UT, area and would like more information on getting a personal health insurance policy, contact our team at The Smith Insurance Group Inc. today.